Date display: 19/07/04

Employment type: Permanent

Ref.: 4322234

With the aim of respecting in all respects the ever-increasing demands of our customers, the specifications of certain fields of activity and, of course, our health and safety prevention program, we must have several training courses and accreditations.

Enviro Emergency Inc. is accredited for certain aspects of the intervention and our workers receive specific training that meets their level of responsibility. We ensure that, during construction, our workers have the accreditations or training to perform the requested work in a safe and compliant manner.

Here is the list of accreditations and training for employees for which you can ask for certificates, proofs and certificates:

  • Permit to transport hazardous materials
  • RBQ License
  • BROWZ Accreditation (USA)
  • HAZMAT Technician
  • TDG
  • Joint Certification OHS (Aeronautical)
  • CAA Housing
  • RBQ License
  • Confined Spaces and Respirators
  • Security on Hydro Quebec stations
  • Road signs
  • Contractor Check
  • Security at Montreal Airport Sites (ADM)
  • ASP build
  • Petroleum Oriented Safety Traning (POST)
  • Vacuum Truck Safety
  • Safety Unite Pressure
  • E Safe Rail Canada (CN-CP)
  • Working at height